Not all inventory items are listed.
Please call 416 298 4333 for pricing, to place an order, and for additional information
Please call 416 298 4333 for pricing, to place an order, and for additional information
BRUSHESBrushes for staining, oil paint, latex paint and more. Call 416 289 4333 for recommendations on which brushes are best suited for your project.
Brands: Purdy, Corona, Wooster, Benjamin Moorse, Bennet Sizes: 1.5", 2", 2.5", 3", 3.5" Materials: nylon, bristle, polyester |
Roller sleevesLint-free roller sleeves for staining, oil paint, latex paint and more. Call 416 289 4333 for recommendations on which rollers are best suited for your project.
Brands: Purdy, Corona, Wooster, Benjamin Moorse, Bennet Sizes: 4", 6", 9.5", 12", 14" Material: foam, woven fabric |
Roller cagesRoller cages come in different sizes that are fitted for the roller sleeve size of your choice.
Sizes: 4", 6", 9.5", 12", 14" Call 416 289 4333 or come in store for more information. |
Trays and linersTrays and liners come in different sizes that are fitted for the roller size of your choice.
Call 416 289 4333 for more information regarding tray and liner sizes. |
EXTENsION POLESExtension poles come in different sizes.